Gigantische Höhle am Great Barrier Reef entdeckt

Meeresbiologinnen und Biologen haben am größten Korallenriff der Welt eine überraschende Entdeckung gemacht: 100 Kilometer vor der Küste ist eine gigantische Unterwasser-Höhle entdeckt worden, über 150 Meter lang und 20 Meter tief.

Yesterday in the Great Barrier Reef!!! After spotting this deep blue hole on google maps we decided to head far offshore, out further than our normal Reef trips to see what dwelled within. What we found inside was hard to believe considering 5 months ago a Cat 4 cyclone went straight over the top of it. At around 15m - 20m deep there was huge Birdsnest Corals (Seriatopora) and super elongated Staghorn Corals (Acropora) both of which were among the biggest and most delicate colonies I've ever seen. Totally unaffected by the cyclone. The position of this deep hole within the lagoon walls has obviously protected these corals for decades. We may very well be the first to ever dive Gaskell's Blue Hole as it was so far offshore and hidden deep within one of the Great Barrier Reef's biggest lagoons...

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Marine Bio | UW Photographer (@johnny_gaskell) am

Das riesige blaue Loch soll jetzt durch die Umsiedelung der Korallen dem gesamten Ökosystem zum Aufschwung verhelfen.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lisa Altekrüger (@leeseele) am