US-Fitnessmodel Cassendre Davis

Cassendre Davis

Das ist die Neue von Christiano Ronaldo

Der frisch gebackene Europameister ist bei seinem Miami-Urlaub mit dem US-Fitnessmodel Cassendre Davis küssend am Pool gesichtet worden.

Das blonde Model ist mindestens genauso gut trainiert wie der Sportler, und beweist das regelmäßig den Instagram-Fans.

Like i'm shirt off shawty.

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Werk. On the grind with @medal_1. Follow him for more workout videos!

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Über 500.000 Menschen folgen der sportlichen Schönheit.

Pop style.

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Besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekam das Model nachdem sie sich 2012 dazu entschied, auf vollkommen natürliche Art und Weise ihren Körper neu zu definieren- und mit viel Training und gesundem Essen nun zu ihrem Ziel gekommen ist.

#transformationtuesday. I've come a long way. The picture on the left was when I first started to really work out in 2012. It's actually still on my feed if you scroll back. It wasn't until about a year later that I started eating healthy and realized how important diet is to your body and progress. It's always been a goal of mine to put on muscle and gain weight. With a consistent work out routine and meal plan, I've been able to achieve my goals and continue to work everyday striving for more. My body is 100% natural, just hard work and dedication. I'm so happy with how far I've come and can't wait to see where else I'll go. Hopefully I can help motivate someone with my progress. Keep working hard, stay consistent and you too WILL reach your #goals.

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Das scheint dem Fußball-Star zu gefallen!

Like controlla.

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(Anastasia Lopez)